Note: This no longer works. Looks like WhatsApp has removed support for S40 phones.
WhatsApp is not officially supported by Nokia Asha 200 but it's supported by the next version in the Asha series i.e Nokia Asha 201 which is technically almost the same as Asha 200. Have you ever wished you could use WhatsApp on a Nokia 200 phone? Yes, you can!
There are many tutorials out there showing you how to install WhatsApp on this phone using an old version of WhatsApp setup files.
Although this tutorial includes how to install WhatsApp, which is no big deal, it emphasizes the method by which the latest version of WhatsApp installation files(.jad and .jar files) can be obtained from the official website of WhatsApp.Do you want to give it a try?
A video tutorial is available at the end of this page.