Thursday, 26 February 2015

How to install WhatsApp(Latest Version) on Nokia Asha 200

Note: This no longer works. Looks like WhatsApp has removed support for S40 phones.

WhatsApp is not officially supported by Nokia Asha 200 but it's supported by the next version in the Asha series i.e Nokia Asha 201 which is technically almost the same as Asha 200. Have you ever wished you could use WhatsApp on a Nokia 200 phone? Yes, you can!
There are many tutorials out there showing you how to install WhatsApp on this phone using an old version of WhatsApp setup files.
Although this tutorial includes how to install WhatsApp, which is no big deal, it emphasizes the method by which the latest version of WhatsApp installation files(.jad and .jar files) can be obtained from the official website of WhatsApp.
Do you want to give it a try?
A video tutorial is available at the end of this page.

The trick:
If you want to download the setup files from the official website of WhatsApp, you have to browse the website from a supported device otherwise you get an error. For example, if I try to go to the download page of WhatsApp from firefox, I get an error saying "Sorry, your device is not supported at the moment. Make sure you are using a web browser on your Nokia phone to view this page!". 
If you look at the second part you will find something that looks like gibberish. In my case it is
"UA detected: [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:33.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/33.0]"
. This is called the "User agent string". This is the user agent string of firefox browser in Linux.  Your user agent string might look a little different if you are using Windows. Now, if we can somehow fool firefox into thinking that we are browsing the webpage from a supported device like Nokia Asha 201, our problem is solved. That is exactly what we'll be doing. We'll temporarily change the user agent of firefox to Nokia Asha 201's so that we can download the setup files.

What you'll need:
1. Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome web browser.
2. A text editor like notepad or gedit.

Part 1 - Installing User Agent Switcher Add-on.
If you are using chrome, here's a video on how to install and setup User-Agent Switcher in chrome.

For Firefox, keep reading...
1. Open Firefox browser and open the Add-ons tab.
There are different ways of doing it. You could use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+A. You could click on the menu button and select the Add-ons button. You could also do it by pressing the alt key on your keyboard to display the good old Menu bar and going to Tools and Add-ons.

2. In the Add-ons tab, click on the search field and type "User Agent Switcher" and press enter. Install the Add-on and restart firefox.

Part 2 - Adding Nokia Asha 201's user agent string to "User Agent Switcher".
3. The Add-on's icon is not displayed in the navigation toolbar of firefox by default so we have to get the icon on to the toolbar. Click on the Menu button and then on the "Customize " button. Find the icon named "Default User Agent" and drag it to the navigation toolbar(Address Bar). Click on "Exit Customize" and now you have the icon within our reach.

4. If you click on the User Agent Switcher Icon, you will see Internet Explorer, Search Robots and iPhone 3.0 in the list. We have to add Nokia Asha 201 to the list.

5. To do it, click on the User Agent Switcher icon, and click on "Edit User Agents...". Click on New --> New User Agent. In the Description field type "Nokia Asha 201" and in the User Agent field, delete the existing text and paste the following in it's place without quotes.
"Mozilla/5.0 (Series40; Nokia201/11.81; Profile/MIDP-2.1 Configuration/CLDC-1.1) Gecko/20100401 S40OviBrowser/"
Don't change anything else. Press OK.

6. Press OK to close the "User Agent Switcher options" window. Now you will find "Nokia Asha 201" in the list. Select it to change the default User Agent to Nokia Asha 201. The icon's colour will now change to blue. Now we are ready to download the setup files.

Part 3 - Download the installation files from
7. To install any program, we need the 'jad' file and the 'jar' file.

8. To get the jad file, with 'Nokia Asha 201' as the selected User Agent, navigate to the webpage, "". Now you should see a big, green 'Download Now' button. What are you waiting for? Click on the button and you will be prompted to save a file(OptWhatsApp.jad) with a .jad extension. Save it to an easily accessible location for example on the desktop. I've saved it in a folder called WhatsApp in my Desktop.

9. It's not that straight forward to get the jar file but it's quite simple. Open the file that you just downloaded i.e OptWhatsApp.jad with any simple text editor. You can use Notepad if you are on Windows. If you look into the fourth line, you found it! That's the link to download the 'jar' file. Copy the link, paste it in the url box of firefox and download the file(OptWhatsApp_2_12_61.jar) to the same location as the jad file. Now you've got both the files.

Part 4 - Install the latest version of WhatApp on Nokia Asha 200.
10. Before we install WhatApp, we need to check if both the downloaded files have the same name(not the extension). For example the files that I have downloaded have the names "OptWhatsApp.jad" and "OptWhatsApp_2_12_61.jar". I will change both their file names to "WhatsApp.jad" and "WhatApp.jar". Make sure that their extensions remains the same.
Some Precautions:
i. Make sure that you have enough free space(at least 4MB)  in your internal memory if you are installing it in the Apps or Games folder. I've moved WhatsApp from the internal memory to the external memory card after the internal memory became full and I've never faced any problems with it.

ii. Make sure that you have two SIM cards in your phone while installing and setting it up. Otherwise you will get an error 'setting up favorites failedwhen you use WhatsApp. I had to use two SIM cards even after installing and setting it up otherwise it wouldn't work.

Now to continue with the installation,
11. Copy the two files that you just downloaded and renamed, i.e WhatsApp.jad and WhatsApp.jar to the root folder of the micro SD card.

12. Insert the SD card into the phone. Open the external sd card folder by navigating to Menu --> Applications -->My Apps --> 'SD card folder'. You will find a file named 'WhatsApp' with the WhatsApp logo.

13. If you plan to install it in your external SD card, continue to step 14 or else if you plan to install it into your internal memory(My Apps folder), got to step 15.

 14. Select it and open it. WhatsApp will start and ask you for a few one time configurations after which you can start using it!

15. If you want to install it into the My Apps folder, insert the sd card into the phone. If you open the external SD card folder, you will find a file named WhatsApp with the WhatsApp logo. Copy or move this file from the external SD card to the My Apps folder and delete the file from the SD card. You are done! You can open the file. The first time you open it, you'll have to do some configurations.

Here is the video tutorial:


  1. it stucked at 22% while setting up favorites and failed. Any solution for this?
